Welcome to the NZEA Members only section
As a valued member of the New Zealand Events Association, you have access to exclusive resources, including guidelines, educational tools, and discounted events. Stay updated on upcoming seminars, events, and industry opportunities.
What you can do here:
Access member-only resources, webinars, & industry job opportunities
Primary contact or individual members:
Update your own or your organisation’s details.
Add contacts to your membership (within limits).
Create member-to-member deals.
View your membership history.
Other members:
Update your personal details.
Event Research
NZEA have partnered with EY to collate data on the number of events taking place across NZ each quarter, broken down into event region and category.
Eventing the Future
We recorded each of the sessions from Eventing the future 2023. If you attended the event, you can watch them for free.
Events Updates
Each month we deliver news straight to your inbox. You can view historical updates here.
Exclusive Insurance
NZEA have partnered with Crombie Lockwood to provide NZEA members with 10% off any insurance policy placed with Crombie Lockwood.
Health and Safety
Health and Safety is paramount for anyone in events. NZEA members get access to a number of resources, from webinars, to checklists.
Māori Engagement
NZEA have a suite of resources to help you engage with the kahui māngai local representative Māori groups across Aotearoa, for your events.
Marketing/ Sponsorship
We have collated some tools to help you get sponsorship for your event, and market it to the right target audience.
NZEA enables, educates and showcases best practice in environmental sustainability.
We record all of our webinars to you can watch them back at your leisure.
Our Webinars
Funding opportunties
We want to ensure you are up to date with the relevant funds that could be available to you. We keep these updated as best we can, however if you hear of anything, please let us know.
For arts funding information visit the
Creative New Zealand website.(external link)
For Arts and Culture COVID recovery funding visit
Arts and Culture COVID Recovery Programme webpage.(external link)
For more information about Sport NZ and what they invest in, visit the
Sport New Zealand website.(external link)
For international business events funding see the
Tourism New Zealand Conference Assistance Programme.(external link)
For local events visit your
local or district Council website.(external link)
Your regional or national event may also be eligible for funding from the regional economic development agency where the event is held.