Upskill with mentorship
NZEA’s Mentorship Programme
Mā te kimi ka kite, Mā te kite ka mōhio, Mā te mōhio ka mārama
Seek and discover. Discover and know. Know and become enlightened.
Applications for the 2025 intake will open in April.
After six highly successful cohorts, the feedback from over 200 participants has been overwhelmingly positive - from both mentors and mentees. If you're looking to give back or for one-on-one professional development - get in touch! The programme is free for NZEA members.
Why become a Mentor?
Contribute to your professional development
Give back to the industry by sharing your skills and experience
Help grow the next wave of event professionals
Make a difference by helping others achieve their goals
Develop your coaching and leadership skills
Included in your member benefits
If you are an experienced event professional - from any aspect of our sector – and feel you have the time, energy and guidance to offer to up and coming colleagues, please read on!
Feedback from Mentors:
"The programme structure and guidance provided by NZEA was great, it gave me the confidence to get stuck in and I have thoroughly enjoyed it."
“It’s such a great initiative. It’s so easy to get stuck in your own space and simply focus on the next event or deadline. Connecting with someone else that was wanting to challenge themselves and grow has created a broader vision for me, to slow down and take more notice of those on the team or around me. Stopping to listen to other people’s aspirations is a great reminder of how efficient and passionate people can be when they are operating in a lane that interests them.”
Why become a Mentee?
Contribute to your Professional development
Broaden your perspective and your network
Identity and address gaps in your knowledge and skills base
Learn leadership skills from a leader
Receive timely feedback and advice from an impartial party vested in your success
Receive encouragement and support for growth and improvement
Included in your member benefits
If you’re in the starting or mid-phases of your career as an events professional and would appreciate the perspective of a mentor for one or many aspects of your career, get involved!
Feedback from Mentees
“A good way of developing your skills. As a mentee, meeting the right people, who are doing what you want to do, and knowing that you can get there too. Overall, just a fantastic opportunity to connect.”
"[My mentor] had great complementary experiences and was great to learn from...the programme was easy to join, easy to plan and simple to undertake."
What is the purpose of mentorship?
A mentor may share with a mentee information about his or her own career path, as well as provide guidance, motivation, emotional support, and role modelling. A mentor may help with exploring careers, setting goals, developing contacts, and identifying resources.
Fundamental expectations
Mentors and mentees are responsible for gaining each other’s trust and confidence by
interacting morally, ethically, and collegially; and valuing each other’s time, professional and personal commitments.
The role of the mentor
Commit to a minimum 6 x 1hr sessions over the programme duration
Proactively maintain contact and encourage open communication
Build confidence
Coach and help problem-solve
Share experiences as learning tools
Encourage professionalism
Admit when something is out of your area of expertise
Offer constructive feedback
Maintain privacy / confidentiality
Provide feedback to NZEA on your mentor experience to help refine the programme
The role of the mentee
Commit to a minimum 6 x 1hr sessions over the programme duration
Take responsibility for scheduling the sessions at mutually convenient times
Be clear on your goal/s for this mentor programme and communicate them openly
Actively contribute to discussions
Seek and accept constructive feedback
Maintain privacy / confidentiality
Provide feedback to NZEA on your mentee experience to help refine the programme
Feedback on the Mentorship Programme
As this programme grows, your feedback through debrief meetings and/or questionnaires will be crucial to the on-going success and improvement of the offering.
Programme duration: 5 months
June / July 2024 – Recruitment of mentors & mentees for cohort 7
7 July 2024 - Cohort 7 applications close
Mid-July 2024 – Matching and pre-briefing of each group (Zoom call plus supporting docs)
Late July/early August 2024– Cohort 7 starts
20 December 2024 – Cohort 7 concludes
December 2024/January 2025 – Debrief participants and refine programme
Please note this programme is open to NZEA members only.